The Inventors of Aircraft – As it is

Many of you will remember the first Inventors of Aircraft-release on Serein called “Unknown Language” back two years ago. Now I have the pleasure to welcome TIOA on Resting Bell with a wonderful new work, mastered by Ian Hawgood.

“As it is” has an enormous warm and dense sound. You’ll find some elements you know from “Unknown Language” like the repetitive melodic motifs over the foundation of droning, growling sounds. But for me “As it is” also sounds like a massive step forward. And massive is the keyword: The sound is one of the thickest and richest things I’ve heard for a while. When I listen to the pieces the best comparison coming to my mind is the black monolith from “2001: A Space Odyssey”. Or the fantastic sound-design from Danny Boyles “Sunshine”. It sounds like something really elemental and physical. And so it is hard to point out one special track or part. The drones and melodies are moving slowly as one organic flood of magma, crawling further and further. And on top you have little scratches and crackles, shimmering and reflecting like the sunlight.

In the end I would like to recommend you two different possiblities of listening to “As it is”.
First is really loud with headphones. Or second: Loud on a really big set of speakers.

Release Date

All tracks written and recorded by The Inventors of Aircraft
Mastered by Ian Hawgood

done by The Inventors of Aircraft

Download tracks sonicSQUIRREL
  • 1. A way in
  • 2. We have arrived
  • 3. Let me give you what you want
  • 4. Morning journey
  • 5. The Tower
Download graphics and informations sonicSQUIRREL
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  • Download back picture big (.jpg)
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  • Download back picture small (.jpg)
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