Ghost & Strings tour

David Molina will do some touring in the next months. He will be in NYC from July 26th to August 6th, and again August 10 and 11th. And he is still looking for concert-dates in this time. So if you can help David, just send him a mail to

Ghosts and Strings tour dates

6/26/2009 8:00 PM at EL Galpon.Espacio
Cipriano Dulanto 949, Pueblo Libre, Lima, Peru
Cost: donation

7/10/2009 8:00 PM at Casa Darte
Address TBA, Cusco, Peru
Cost: TBA

8/3/2009 10:00 PM at The Trash Bar
256 Grand Street, Brooklyn (Williamsburg), Brooklyn, New York 11211
Cost: $6

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